
Our founder has been researching and writing for years, she has been on a path to make sure that she is raising her family the healthiest way possible. All these years of research led her to putting it all in a book form. At first she wasn’t sure why she was doing this, so all her thoughts were in one place and organized, for her daughter to have in her later years. Once it was all on the computer in one place she realized how much information was there, not only life stories but also valuable information on how to begin living a healthier lifestyle in this ever growing processed world. She thought maybe she would self publish her book nothing huge but as she researched that a publishing company kept coming up, after multiple times she decided to reach out to them. They were interested in reading her book but also informed her that they do not take many and would get back to her in 2 weeks. Well, on a Friday rushing to her job she pressed send and waited for feedback. 5 days later she got a call that they loved her book and would love to publish it! This began a yearlong journey of editing, and it has all been worth it. Every word, picture, and drawing in this book is all of her work. The biggest project she never knew she wanted to accomplish. You can find her book Live Naturally online at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon. Her next dream is to see it in bookstores everywhere!